Kindermusik® and My Languages – School of Languages propose two new educational courses in English Kindermusik Village® 0-18 months e Kindermusik Our Time® 18 mesi-3 anni dedicated to mum or dad, grandpa or grandma, babysitter with their little ones to have fun, dance and make music together in English.
Format details
Kindermusik Village® 0-18 mesi for My Languages – Scuola di Lingue
Kindermusik Village is for lap babies, crawlers, and walkers. It incorporates the most current research on early childhood development and provides families a special place for learning and connecting with other parents and babies through music movement.
What parents and children will experience in the class
Variety of Music
Musical diversity builds strong neural pathways in a baby’s forming mind, which is why each Kindermusik® semester contains an array of styles, sounds, and genres.
Instrument Play
Age-appropriate experiences with child-safe instruments enhance a sense of rhythm and steady beat, develops a keen awareness of the distinguishing qualities of sound, and encourages spontaneity and creativity
A classroom full of baby and adult pairs dancing together helps a little body develop the muscle strength needed to crawl and walk and helps a little heart to fall in love with the sheer joy of responding to music
Together Time
A Kindermusik® class is truly the essence of “quality time,” offering the parent a place to create special memories with their child, gain new insights into their child’s development and nurture their child’s natural love of music.
Expert Advice
A Kindermusik® Educator explains “what-to-watch-for” every step of the way and how each activity enhances a child’s complete development.
Learning Continues at Home…
With the home materials, the learning continues at home with the child’s best teacher—the parent!
Age range: 0-18 months
Schedule: From October. eight-week meeting
Day & Time: Each Wednesday 4:30-5:15pm
Cost: 8 meetings, Chf 230,- incl. Digital Resources
Educator: The course will be held by Elisa Pona, a bilingual teacher, musician, opera singer and kindermusik® educator
Kindermusik Our Time® 18 mesi – 3 anni for My Languages – Scuola di Lingue
Kindermusik Our Time® educational courses in English, encourages toddlers to uncover an engaging musical world while building confidence, self-control and communications skills. Singing, imitating sounds, rhyming, and object identification foster language skills, while creative movement to various musical “moods” develops a sense of balance, timing, and spatial awareness.
What a Parent and Child Will Experience in Class:
Instrument exploration and ensemble skill development
Children will explore the physical characteristics and sounds of age-appropriate instruments which will eventually lead them to discover their potential for beat, rhythm, melody, and ensemble playing.
Vocal play
Through vocal play, toddlers learn to form vowels and consonants, say words and phrases, and imitate rhythm and vocal inflection. In Kindermusik Our Time, vocal play is presented within the context of songs, chants, and activities done in class.
Exploration Time
Children will love discovering specially designed instruments, textures, sounds and movements.
Story time and early literacy
Listening to stories enhances language and speech development and fosters awareness of sounds, teaches use of language, and sends the message that words and symbols have meaning. The same experiences that help toddlers learn to read a book also help them learn to read music.
Movement Activities
Each class provides various opportunities for movement such as synchronized movement, group dances and circle games, and even expressive movement.
Together Time
Kindermusik® is the essence of quality time, allowing parents to make the most of the fleeting toddler years, giving them the time and the tools to make music and memories together in class and at home.
Expert advice
A Kindermusik® educator explains how the musically based activities enhance a toddler’s complete development.
Learning Continues at Home …
With the home materials, the learning continues at home with the child’s best teacher, the parent.
Age range: 1.5 to 3 years
Schedule: From October, eight-week meeting
Day & Time: Each Wednesday 5:30-6:15 pm
Cost: 8 meetings, Chf 230,- incl. Digital Resources
Educator: The course will be held by Elisa Pona, a bilingual teacher, musician, opera singer and kindermusik® educator
For further info: