My School Ticino is proud to report on its Little Free Library, which was inaugurated over a year ago in the presence of the children, teachers, management and local authorities. A place for meeting and exchange, loved by children and grown-ups, who daily monitor new arrivals and departures.

This project, which with a public value involves the entire community of Castel San Pietro, brings our institute into an international circuit. The Little Free is based in the USA, in Hudson, and has 100,000 members in more than 100 countries in 50 states worldwide. By joining this organisation, we want to emphasise once again the great civic value of exchange, sharing, reuse and care, for the benefit of an increasingly aware community.

Adjacent to the fence dividing the My Child 3-6 Preschool from the public playground, our Little Free Library has found its place: a colourful and well-maintained little house (by the students, in turn, acting as stewards) for the purpose of freely exchanging children’s books. The books can be new or used and their distribution is free and self-managed. The way it works is very simple: anyone can pick up the books and, after reading them, can choose to put them back into circulation by returning them to the Little Free Library, or freeing them at other book crossing locations, or to bring others.

The nursery rhyme created by the children for the opening day:

In Castel San Pietro, cammina e non voltarti indietro,

raggiungi Via alle Zocche e divertiti con tante filastrocche!!!

In fondo alla via troverai piú di un’enciclopedia…

si tratta una libreria ambulante, preziosa per ogni abitante,

scegli il libro più affascinante e ricorda: si tratta di un libro migrante!

a fine lettura, riportalo qui per una nuova avventura!

Se di libri ne hai tanti, condividili con altri, vicini e distanti!

Diffondi l’amore per la lettura e aiutaci a non fermare la cultura!

ogni racconto è prezioso, sia questo scherzoso,

burrascoso, clamoroso… e perché no… boscoso!!!!

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