Since the beginning of time, human beings have dreamed big. Dreams push us to go beyond the limits of reality and pursue goals that seem unattainable. Every great innovation, scientific discovery and work of art is born from a dream, an idea that someone has had the courage to pursue.
This year we welcomed the children of the Primary school with a reading staged by the teachers, from Chris Saunders’ book “Wishes” to invite them to explore their desires and dreams.
But what does it really mean to dream? Rather than the scientific explanation what we want to propose here is dreaming as an act of creation, a moment when our mind frees itself from the chains of logic and begins to explore possibilities; a journey into the imagination, where every wish can take shape and every idea can become reality.
Imagination in this sense is one of the most precious qualities we possess. It should be emphasised that, in an ever changing world the ability to imagine the future is crucial to adapt and prosper.
A dream is therefore a powerful force that can guide us towards the fulfilment of our desires and personal growth.
This year we will carry out our theatre project inspired by reading McEwan’s book “The Inventor of Dreams” that will guide and stimulate our reflections.
McEwan’s fascinating book will help us explore the imagination and power of dreams to encourage children to express their aspirations and understand the value and power of creativity; dreaming and expressing your desires is fundamental to their personal development. Through these reflections and activities, we can help them understand that dreams can become reality through commitment, confidence and creativity. We always remember that every dream begins with a step, and who knows where this step can take us!